29-1-09, the day of dreams, tropic thunder, world-class and the true worth of the phenomenon named Allan Baey.
Dreams: Man, today I dreamt that liverpool would draw with someone. I should be happy. But the problem is, I was laughed at by the liverpool fans themselves. Wtf? Later on during the day, I found out why. Liverpool did drew with Wigan. But Arsenal also drew with Everton, who drew with liverpool in the previous match. Damn, why are my dreams so accurate today. Maybe I should try to dream of getting $1m. But chances are, I would lose them the minute after I win them. After all, the dream did'nt mention anything about enjoying the 1m.
Tropic Thunder: This was the main topic throughout lunch, french tutorial and dinner. Can't help it. The lines are so cool, I think I can roughly memorise the entire movie now. Henry's favourite is written on his msn nick. I have many. But my favourite is when Robert Downey Jr try to speak chinese to the vietcong. And who could ever forget how over-the-top Tom Cruise was? He's a patriot. We don't negotiate with terroist, full-stop. *claps*. Now, if I could only memorise my french script...
World-class: This word described my performance during soccer today, oh yeahhhh. I can go on about the many saves I made and write a book about the 1000 saves of Sebastian Rai. But the coolest is still the one I made when someone shot from far and my view is blocked, the ball just zoomed towards me and I just held 1 hand up and palmed it over the bar and the fence behind lol. It was quite dark somemore. I'm valued at 15m by the players on the pitch. I was applauded by players when I walked past them. I'm world-class, get your cheque books out now. Haha.
Allan: Ah...this. How shall I start this. You know, I think we may have undervalued Allan. He is really an entertainment icon. Not as good as Edge and Christian nor Jericho nor the Rock nor even Santino Marella but he's funny. He inspires us to play dota, not because he's good, but its because we want to see how he goes and get himself killed first. I asked yw to do a differential analysis on playing dota and doing cma homework and I told him your differential loss if you do cma homework would be huge. Why? Not because of the opportunity cost of the satisfaction of playing a dota game nor the opportunity cost of Sarah's brother sitting on his lap. It's mainly because he won't get to see how Allan gets first blooded and his many jolly rants on why Henry did'nt take the rune, Seb did'nt help him tank, yw did'nt go help him in bot or why the enemies keep on targetting him. Is it a mystery? I thought everyone would aim for the weakest first lol. Playing a dota game - $5 of electricity bill Having the air-con on while playing - $3 of electricity bill Having Allan as a team-mate - Priceless For everything that has a worth in the world, there's always Allan, whose value is theoretically worthless.
'Uh...farm? Here's my mother f**king farm! *bam,bam,bam,bam!* I'm a land-farmer, mother f**ker!' - Robert Downey Jr as Nick Laziris in Tropic Thunder
Wednesday, January 28, 2009 | 5:58 pm
Hmmmmm, almost did'nt feel like going for today's lessons. I can't get up. Sleeping on my bed is just so zzzzzzz good and forcing myself to get up makes my head hurts. Arghhhh. Day was so bad, nothing bad happened, nor anything good so it's a day where you would just prefer to stay at home and sleep til the sun burns your ass and the moon cools it down. IF lecture was boring. Interest rate swaps and all that, Mr Phua said it's complicated, it must be, I just listened to 5 minutes of his talk and I rather talk to henry and yw about the Royal Rumble last sunday. Nothing much to say now, just that CMA homework really sucks. Hell, doing any kind of homework in CNY week sucks anyway. At least IF and FOI ones are a bit easier. CMA is tough like rhino's hide!!!
'Screamers rule! Long live the scream! And long live the Zoo.' - Edge and Christian
Friday, January 23, 2009 | 8:25 pm
So many to update...where to start?!?! Ahhhh I shall start from Thursday event. My last post was rather blah blah cause I don't feel too well...I still don't feel too well now...
Thursday: Started with a funny session of CS2. Julian is always a good laugh. Many secrets about MediaCorp, well...not for me since I don't know many people in it...I hardly watch TV lol. Then when Maggie came in with a bandage on her left leg, I thought she tripped after she got scared by the various bugs pictures around the school. Turns out, I'm wrong. She tripped while chasing the bus. Where's yw and his taxi when you need him? Then moving on to the long break between CS2 tutorial and french tutorial...yq decided to go Cyber Center to study the french powerpoint slides for the culture quiz2 but end up, he was on a very pretty girl blog and scanning the pictures...and then proceed onto his favourite videos in youtube...Snooker Premier League lol. I almost fell asleep watching the video. At least the blog was good. French was cool man. We had to take this lucky draw to know which topics we will get for our roleplay and yq and I really wanted to avoid topic 4 which is giving directions. Mainly it's because we never did a draft version lol. I won a scissor-paper-stone contest against him and I told him and Bich,'Don't worry man, I got it all covered. I mean, I have the feeling in my hands man. I'm gonna get topic 1!' Yup, turns out to be topic 2. Then Bich was saying,'Aiya Darling, 1+1=2 lah!' Yeah, at least I did'nt get topic 4.
Friday: Ooooh boy, FOI is boring. At least Chan Seet Meng did'nt call me Benjamin again. Then Maggie and Henry wanted to study for the IF test in the library. She commented on my shirt and she knocked her head onto her table hahahahaha. Don't comment on my shirt man, it bring badddd luck. So now she has a sprained left leg, and a sore head. The study session is extremely boring. No feel to even look at the IF notes. I ended up finishing my next week IF and FOI homework lol. Then we went to biz park to drink ice mocha but the drinks stall ran out of almost everything! Was surprised to see Hwee Jung suddendly appear behind us and he said,'So you're studying for this IF test? It's easy, you just look at the notes, when the test starts, you just write the points down.' -.-, DUH IF ITS SO EASY, THE TEST WOULD NOT BE A PROBLEM. In the end, Hwee Jung was right, the IF test so easy, it's almost like the first question guarentees a pass already lol. Documentary credit tested eh. Henry and I came to a similar conclusion. From Tropic Thunder, we present this to you Mr Phua,'Take a step back, and literally F**K YOURSELF!!!' And xueli and nxl passed their BTT =(. I thought xl will fail, and that nxl will get full marks lol. I mean, after long months of research and graph plotting, I have come to the conclusion that the level of intelligence is inversely related to the grades of BTT....no offence Maggie. Not that I'm saying nxl is dumb but..c'mon! With a hacker like Dickson for a partner, computers are of no problem man! Just login in and her screen reads,'Congratulations. You have achieved full marks. Compliments from Dickson Phua.' WTF man, so cheap. Xl says she may fail what, the FTT? Cause she says she reached down to step onto the accelerator then she can't see the front view. Then if she don't reach down the car won't start. I did'nt say it, btw, xl herself said that. I'm not so evil =)
'The only thing that matters is this Chris Jericho, that we have a one big family reunion. You bring them all. And when the Rock turns them sideways, and lay'in down the smackdown on allllll their candy asses.' - The Rock
Thursday, January 22, 2009 | 7:23 pm
Woohoo, my monitor is back on and running baby! And no, it's not fixed, it's been replaced, and the whole screen now looks so...big. Wow. Nothing much to say, just that it's only friday now, and after the IF test, it will be money time man! Money, money, yeah, yeah.
So since my post appears so short, I'm going to put in this video clip that my french lecturer used to try to motivate us lol.
Hmmm...and it helps to have a good CS2 tutor as well...Seeing you people struggling with the R.J...HAHAHAHAHAHA. And being an extra in MediaCorp really helps too. He just gave us so much gossip on who's gay there lol. Kinda off topic when he was supposed to be giving us some tips on the test. One of the things he said is so erm...wrong. He said that there was this director and he's widely known to be gay. So he was filming this movie and he needs to find his lead actor. And this actor who is quite good-looking according to my tutor, went for the audition and failed. Then my tutor said that after that, that actor went for a private audition session with the director, and guess what? He got that role! Lol, wonder what happened during the private session.
'You're an Ewok!' - Edge
Sunday, January 18, 2009 | 12:37 am
Man...next week will be damn packed. Don't expect any updates at that time. I'm not the only busy one here, the entire Anf people are busy...or should be busy. After all, for me, monday is my CS2 roleplay, then tues must try to shoot some questions during the CMA2 project presentation by the other groups, thurs will have french culture quiz 2 and the editing of the scripts which were labelled as boring by Bich lol. Then by fri must submit CS2 reflection journal I think and the IF class test. I mean, wassupwitthat?!?!?! The only day that is free will be wed, but even then, that day would be used up for going through the french script with yq I guess...pretty much makes CNY week sucks cause after going through the action-packed week, there ain't going to be enough gas in the tank man. All I can do now is to just try to entertain myself with the awesomeness of Edge and Christian.
'(C)Look Lilian, we thought it was our nuts. (E)Christian and I went to the movies last night. We had some popcorn and peanuts, and we thought we got food poisoning from the nuts. Turns out, we're wrong. Our nuts are safe for consumption. (C)I mean just a couple hours ago, Edge was in the toilet, totally growing chunks, and I was standing there holding his nuts. And we realised something. (E)Yeah, that there was no nuts in my chunks. So it had to be a passing virus. My nuts are better than ever. As a matter of fact, I can bring them out right now. You know Lilian, if you want to sample our nuts later on, we will be cheering the Contasio on their victory over the Hardy Boyz. (C)Oooh, you got big nuts, your nuts rule all.' - Edge and Christian in an interview with Lilian about their food poisoning.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009 | 4:40 pm
Yw is......disturbing. Even more disturbing than the weird guy in my french class that so far, has shown that he's incapable of stringing together words to form a sentence and when you asked him a question, don't expect an answer, cause all he's going to say is ehhhhhh. No, yw, your hair is not what made you disturbing, your hair is fine, it looks better btw. At least now we can see the difference between the before and after you. But...you don't go around telling people about the wonders of semen lol. Just because I wrote about some weird guy squirting on someone else's face, does'nt mean that you have to go to wikipedia to research on semen and tells us all about it. He says it's good for facial lol. So now when we asked him for dota, when he says,'gimme a min, i'm cumming,' we know he meant it literally.
And Allan really is...disasterrific. No such word btw, I made it up myself lol. He was blabbing about some random crap when xl walked in alone and he then commented on how weird xl looks when she comes in alone cause she usually comes in with some other people. *ahem*, of course what he truly means is that xl walk alone looks weird so he should walk with xl and it would look normal. Don't worry Allan, I won't tell anyone.
Calling Maggie was a bad idea too. I just politely asked her to help me buy foolscap paper while she's at the bookshop and she sounded like she wants to quickly end the call cause I'm like rushing her to hurry up. ZZZZZZ then I told nxl when they came, that maybe next time I should call her instead to help when they said she would most probably not even pick up her phone. Then I thought, fine, I'll just borrow Dickson's phone and call her and she will surely answer it. But I just can't bear to hear her say hi darling when she thought Dickson is on the line lolololollol. Ah, scratch that idea. Next time I shall just buy foolscap paper myself.
And the next section has nothing to do with you guys now, unless you watch wrestling. Guys, check out this video. It's really funny, really.
'WHERE...IS...CM...PUNK?' 'Erm...have you tried the pepsi machine?' - Kane and Santino Marella
Monday, January 12, 2009 | 9:32 pm
What a year! And the common theme for year 2009 seems to be setting people on fire. I mean, just 2 days ago, I saw this yahoo news about this aussie woman, she set her husband's genitals on fire cause she thought that he had an outside affair and the balls belong to her only. She apparently poured some oil or something on her husband's genitals area when he's sleeping and then set him on fire. To quote from Allan:Relac ar. I don't have outside affair la. AHHHHH my balls are on fireeeeeeeee! And he is now dead. And now someone set our MP on fire. Woohooo. Next we will see people set on fire and running around the streets waving their hands like the terrorist in C&C: ALAH AH BAAHHHHH!
And wow. Yq went for his first clubbing session last wednesday. And he came back a happy man =). He said there was this wild girl and no, he did'nt take advantage of her lah! He's not Yw for god's sake. He said he accidentally 'touched' her because it's very squeezy and such things happen. But Maggie and me are not convinced. In the heat of the atmosphere, Yq is in an all time high, who knows what was 'right' at that moment? Lol, not implying anything Yq, I'm just sayin'.
Yw seriously took the wrong course. He should just go on and get a job.....as a fortune teller! That's right folks, Yw is an extremely skilled person with a sharp insight into the future. Around 3 days ago, he asked me when was the Manu vs Chelsea match. He asked me about my opinion on the result. I told him it will be a draw. He replied that a draw would be too boring. Guess what? Chelsea lost. 3-0
Draw? He was right, it was not a draw. Boring? He was right, not boring. Great attacking football played by Manu and great theatrics by Drogba lol.
His 2nd prediction of the day was that he has this profound feeling of scoring a sublime goal. But I'm not the keeper. Guess what? He's right. He scored an own goal.
Sublime goal? Yeah, someone crossed and he whacked it hard into his own net. Great goal. I'm not the keeper? Yeah, I'm at the opposing side but he scored against his own keeper =)
And story of the day comes from my CS2 tutor, Julian. He told us that once in his school, someone masterbate in the school library and squirted on someone else's face. Not sure whether the spermface was a male or female or a willing party or not. Can't imagine like someone wanking then goes up to someone whose face is buried beneath a book. Then he say oi and the guy looks up then squirt. Or he wanks behind this shelf and someone walks past and squirt. But he must aim quite high then lol.
'And don't think I'm going to forget, this backwards, wonderful city. God bless you all, God bless America, and most of all, God bless me.' - JBL
Thursday, January 08, 2009 | 6:27 pm
I did'nt have the feel to come post something...but after french tut today...I just can't help but marvel at the sheer dumbness of this classmate of mine. Either he is a retard, or he really just have no clue on what's going on around him. Before the holidays, he was assigned to a partner to do the french roleplay. Today when Bich asked him about his partner, he kept giving her a blank look kinda like Festus, and kept mumbling 'erm...', 'ah....', '....', 'eh...', 'uhhhh' ahhhh whatever. Everyone got quite fed up about it I think cause for 5 minutes you can only hear Bich asking YES OR NO while he kept mumbling the above words. Until some students cut-in and tried to help by saying his partner is this guy but he still just 'ahhhh...'. Made me even more sleepy.
I saw yw msn nick. I don't believe it any one bit. Botak means a head with no hair. When yw goes for a haircut, he comes back looking exactly the same but he feels as if he just used a lawn mower to cut off his hair. -.- In short, unless he can show that his hair is shorter than mine after a haircut, I would then let him claim that he's a botak. What would happen if he go to ns? Is there anything below botak? Shiny skinhead? Zzzzz
'What you see is the greatest example of Evolution you will ever see. And you have to look to the future - Batista, 6 foot 5, 325 pounds. And Randy Orton...has every gift that a man could ever be given. This is Evolution.' - HHH
Monday, January 05, 2009 | 9:07 pm
I was not paying much attention during CMA lec today. I feel so tired, after CS2 class in the morning, yq wanted to play badminton and we played for 2 hours. So tiring. One time yq did his smack and I managed to hit it back but there was no sign of the shuttlecock. Then, yq laughed and I realised why, it was stuck at my racket. Like the base is stucked in between the many square holes of the racket. Took me 2 minutes to take it out. And maggie is very vicious, she look so innocent behind like lalalala then when the shuttlecock comes, the next thing I knew was that it flew past me. >_< almost hit me twice, in fact I hit myself twice by swinging at empty air and hitting my own thigh.
But the best is still during soccer. Even allan wanted to be keeper and play with the bball while yw was shooting the ball. CAUSE IT NEVER WENT IN! LOL! No matter what he do, the ball just won't go in. He shoot near also somehow miss. Then he finally tapped the ball in and he was so happy like yw just had a wonderful night with Jessica Alba like that. And in between the soccer, henry, yw and me were playing wrestling too. Ah...we made yw suffer thats for sure. And he repaid it with a cracker goal in a game. But he lost. So the goal has no meaning so sad. The only thing that will be remembered is the amount of shots yw took, the ratio of goals per shot is like 1/20.
I must make a sidenote to congratulate Koh Hwee Jung as well, his timing has improved! Now his lec ends quite fast. I'm so impressed. He must be thinking,'Screw this, I talk no one listens what's the point, I just talk get my paycheck =)' But I must say I pay lots of attention during his lec. In case you don't know, transfer price is best when it's within the range of minimum and maximum price. HA! I really feel so good, taking the effort to listen during his lec while people like allan is using it as nap time.
'I put a lot of money into it, vicky, but this guy, chavog2009 keeps outbidding me. You better hurry, cause the auction is closing like...in 5 mins time...hey, where are ya goin? Excuseeeee me! Excuseeee me!' - HHH
Friday, January 02, 2009 | 5:28 pm
Ah...I have received several comments about my blog being boring now...with the center of attraction being Chris Jericho. Why? Why is that? He is one of the most entertaining guy in the world. Never mind. As the news editor in the movie 'Superman Returns' said,'Only 3 things sells: Gossip, Sex and Superman. Since you can't do gossip and sex, you do Superman.' I'm not going to post pictures of babes and hunks here of course, I bet the guys have their private links to such things and Yq for one has a very good link to a blog lol. And well...Superman has nothing to talk about. Maybe if you make Allan run around the school with a cape and his underwear outside his pants, I would consider posting about Superman...but now, nah.
So what, left with gossip. Tsktsk. Ok, start with what. Hmmm, how about lunch time, when we were talking about how slow maggie eats, she cuts french fries into small pieces and eat them piece by piece, and I was wondering whether she would do the same to her noodles. In the end, the last to finish her food was nxl.
Next, we move on to xl after lunch. They were all talking about the driving test all that and we talked about driving the car. So xl should be happy; she's bound to pass. I mean look at her would-be grades for driving a car test:
See, a 27/40 pass! How does the above mentioned grades come about you ask? It's really simple; you see, when the test starts, the car won't move. Cause, xl can't reach the accelerator thus she and the instructor would be in the car motionless for 10 mins. So she can start the car but can't get the car to move, thus 0. Since the car is not even moving, stopping is no problem, full marks. Safety, well, she's damn safe, the car is not moving, how to get into accidents! Unless she suay some other training cars hit her, then I dunno. Oh yeah, and we talked about how nxl won't fail her driving theory test since Dickson will hack the computer for her and key in the correct answers. What an advantage over the other students. So unfair!
Then, nxl went to Tampines Stadium to meet her friend, so she and I walked there. Now I know how to calculate when would nxl arrive if ever there's a meeting. There are 4 stages:
Stage 1 - She would say she is going. Stage 2 - She would then reply then previously she said she's going, not reaching. Wait somemore. Stage 3 - She would say that she's reaching and she can see a landmark nearby. Stage 4 - Yay, finally reached.
But these stages won't apply if the person she's meeting is Dickson. Dickson have to go over and fetch her instead haha.
And, anything with soda is bad, unless it's ice cream soda. I bought this drink in a mama shop and it's called air soda. Thought what drink I try and it's just some soda water. It taste like....nothing. And that's what makes it horrible. Can't believe I managed to drink all of that. Arghhh.
'If you're not caught, you're not cheating.' - Eddie Guerrero
Thursday, January 01, 2009 | 2:13 pm
Here's another reason why none of you should go for a countdown of a new year:
Like, WTF mate? You seriously want to go counting down the days where Mars would be laughing at us? Ok fine, just a joke, don't think that's going to happen anyway, seems like throwing shoes is the trend...
'...6 months ago I told you that good things happen to good people, and I am a good person. Oh yeah. I am a honest man, I am a righteous man, and I always do whatever I say I would do, and now I'm the champion.' - Chris Jericho on his title win after the Championship Scramble.
| 12:00 am
Lol...the countdown for the new year is sooo over-rated. Wonder what's the big deal of a start of a new year. It just starts and ends so fast, why give it a thought? I bet most of the people who go to the cpuntdown would be cheering so loudly about the new year then cursing the economic crisis within a few weeks. -.- so over-rated. The only countdown worth counting down is this:
Now, I found this funny video while I was searching for the above video. What a stroke of luck. This is a batman/joker spoof:
I have to edit my previous phrase of the day. It was badly written.
'No no no, I got a question for you Todd. Cause it seems being named Superstar of the Year isn't the only accolate I have accrued over these past 365 days. Cause according to the WWE magazine, I'm also been named the Jerk of the Year. Why is that Todd? Why am I the Jerk of the Year? What is the criteria of a Jerk? Someone who tells the truth? Someone who exposes all these fans as the hypocrites that they really truly are? These people are going to make New Year's Resolutions and then break them only days later. They are going to say one thing and do another. This year I said I was going to become the world champion again...and I did twice. This year I said that Shawn Michaels was nothing more than a phony, who is only in this business for himself and guess what, I was right about that too. And tonight I said I'm going to win the fatal 4 way, and go on to become the world champion again. And if all you liars and hypocrites want to see the Jerk of the Year, well I suggest you look into a mirror.' - Chris Jericho in an interview with Todd Grisham