Saturday, August 04, 2012 | 11:30 pm
I think it's a conspiracy. Every time I'm out and the feeling that you need to shit comes, and the toilet just so happens to be conveniently out of the way, I would have to use so much of my energy to suppress the shit and rush home. Everything goes on fine and I would feel like I'm the king of shit-holding, like holding it for 5-10 mins and managed to rush home without a single incident is praise-worthy. Everything goes on fine until I actually catch sight of a toilet and suddenly my bowels would go on a rampage and demand that I enter the toilet and let the shit loose. It's like le stomach will never tolerate any teasing, it senses the presence of the holy toilet and demands that the body moves over there now for release and it ain't going to listen to no. So once I reach home feeling like maybe I don't need to shit anymore, suddenly the turmoil starts in the stomach and I find myself running up the flight of stairs, throwing my stuff down on my bed/table and quickly rushing to the toilet. I would have thought that after enduring the shit rush for a few minutes, my bowels would be decent enough to endure it a few seconds longer for me to put my stuff down nicely but it wasn't to be. But the feeling when you hurry and sit down on the toilet bowl and the rush that follows....ecstasy.
Oh, you were reading my blog for funny stuff? Nope sorry just a story about me and my stomachache. Deal with it, it's my blog.